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Novel hybrid mesh surgery combines sacrocolpopexy with transvaginal mesh placement for pelvic organ prolapse
Authors:Ichikawa Masao  Akira Shigeo  Mine Katsuya  Ohuchi Nozomi  Iwasaki Nao  Kurose Keisuke  Takeshita Toshiyuki
Affiliation:Division of Reproductive Medicine, Perinatology and Gynecologic Oncology, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan. masai@nms.ac.jp
Abstract:Mesh surgeries, such as sacrocolpopexy and transvaginal mesh surgery, are commonly used to treat pelvic organ prolapse. Although mesh surgeries have a high success rate, they are unsuitable for some patients. For a patient with pelvic organ prolapse and highly calcified multiple fibroids, we performed hybrid sacrocolpopexy combined with transvaginal mesh surgery with a method modified for the patient's condition. Three months after surgery, the results were highly satisfactory. This approach is simple, secure, and versatile for patients who are not good candidates for conventional mesh surgeries. This novel hybrid mesh surgery is an option for treating various types of pelvic organ prolapse.
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