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引用本文:黄轶昕,杭德荣,汤洪萍,孙道宽,周灿华,高金彬,郑波,胡桂全,李倩,黄永军,佘广松,任志远. 南水北调东线工程输水河道钉螺随水扩散可能性进一步研究[J]. 中国血吸虫病防治杂志, 2014, 26(6): 608
作者姓名:黄轶昕  杭德荣  汤洪萍  孙道宽  周灿华  高金彬  郑波  胡桂全  李倩  黄永军  佘广松  任志远
作者单位:1 江苏省血吸虫病防治研究所、 卫生部寄生虫病预防与控制技术重点实验室 (无锡 214064);2 江苏省扬州市江都区疾病预防控制中心; 3 江苏省金湖县血吸虫病防治站; 4 江苏省扬州市江都水利工程管理处; 5 江苏省高邮市疾病预防控制中心; 6 江苏省宝应县疾病预防控制中心; 7 国务院南水北调办公室政策及技术研究中心
基金项目:国务院南水北调办公室资助项目 (201313); 江苏省科技支撑项目 (BE2008632)
摘    要:
目的 目的 研究南水北调东线工程输水河道漂浮物漂流规律和水体钉螺扩散的潜在风险。方法 方法 采用打捞法和稻草帘诱螺法对南水北调东线工程输水河道水体钉螺进行监测, 并通过GPS定位漂流试验对输水河道中钉螺随水扩散的可能性进行评估。结果 结果 2006-2013年汛期, 在南水北调东线工程里运河及金宝航道打捞漂浮物8 338.0 kg, 投放稻草帘2 100块, 均未发现钉螺。漂浮物定位漂流试验表明, 东线工程通水前高水河段表层北向水面流速为0.45 m/s时, 搭载GPS定位器的漂浮物 (GPS漂浮物) 平均漂流速度为0.56 ~ 0.60 m/s, 平均每次漂流999.70 ~ 1 995.50 m; 金宝航道段则无明显漂流。试通水期高水河水面流速为0.45 m/s时, GPS漂浮物平均漂流速度为0.35 ~ 0.41 m/s, 平均每次漂流1 248.06 ~1 289.44 m; 金宝航道段水面流速为0.28 m/s时, 平均漂流速度为0.25 ~ 0.27 m/s, 平均每次漂流477.76 ~ 496.38 m。漂流试验显示GPS漂浮物在水流、 风向、 船行波作用下, 逐渐向岸边靠拢, 在受到芦苇、 水草或其他障碍阻滞时则停止不前, 如无外力帮助则不能继续漂流。 结论 结论 南水北调东线工程输水河道水体监测未发现钉螺, GPS定位漂流试验显示漂浮物随水漂流距离受流速和岸边环境限制。

关 键 词:钉螺;血吸虫病; 漂流;扩散; 全球定位系统; 南水北调东线工程  

Further study on possibility of diffusion of Oncomelania hupensis with water in river channels of the east route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project
HUANG Yi-Xin,HANG De-Rong,TANG Hong-Ping,SUN Dao-Kuan,ZHOU Can-Hua,GAO Jin-Bin,ZHENG Bo,HU Gui-Quan,LI Qian,HUANG Yong-Jun,SHE Gung-Song,REN Zhi-Yuan. Further study on possibility of diffusion of Oncomelania hupensis with water in river channels of the east route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project[J]. Chinese journal of schistosomiasis control, 2014, 26(6): 608
Authors:HUANG Yi-Xin  HANG De-Rong  TANG Hong-Ping  SUN Dao-Kuan  ZHOU Can-Hua  GAO Jin-Bin  ZHENG Bo  HU Gui-Quan  LI Qian  HUANG Yong-Jun  SHE Gung-Song  REN Zhi-Yuan
Objective Objective To study the drifting law of floats and potential risks of Oncomelania hupensis diffusion in the waterdiversion rivers of the east route of South?to?North Water Diversion Project. Methods Methods The O. hupensis snails in the river chan?nels were monitored by the salvage method and snail luring method with rice straw curtains,and the diffusion possibility ofsnails along with water was assessed through the drift test of floats with GPS. Results Results In the flood seasons from 2006 to 2013,totally 8 338.0 kg of floats were salvaged,and 2 100 rice straw curtains were put into water in the Li Canal and Jinbao shippingchannel,but no Oncomelania snails were found. The drift test of floats with GPS before water diversion showed that the flow ve?locity on water surface(northbound)was 0.45 m/s,the average drift velocity of the floats was 0.56 - 0.60 m/s,and the averagedrift distances each time were 999.70 - 1 995.50 m in the Gaoshui River section,while there were no obvious drift in Jinbaoshipping channel section. During the water diversion period,the flow velocity on water surface(northbound)was 0.45 m/s,theaverage drift velocity of the floats was 0.35 - 0.41m/s,and the average drift distances each time were 1 248.06 -1 289.44 m in the Gaoshui River,while in Jinbao shipping channel section,the flow velocity on water surface was 0.28 m/s,the average driftvelocity of the floats was 0.25 - 0.27 m/s,and the average drift distances each time were 477.76 - 496.38 m. The drift testshowed that the floats gradually closed to the river bank as affected by water flow,wind direction and ship waves,when blockedby the reeds,water plants or other obstacles,and they would stopped and could not continue to drift without outside help. Con Con? ?clusions clusions There are no Oncomelania snails found in the river channels of the east route of South?to?North Water Diversion Proj?ect. The drifting distance of the floating debris along with the water is restricted by the flow rate and shore environment.
Keywords:Oncomelania hupensis snail;Schistosomiasis;Drift;Diffusion;GPS;East route of South?to?North Water Di?version Project  
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