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引用本文:钱熠礼,汪伟,洪青标,梁幼生. 以传染源控制为主的血吸虫病综合防治策略文献计量学研究[J]. 中国血吸虫病防治杂志, 2014, 26(6): 626
作者姓名:钱熠礼  汪伟  洪青标  梁幼生
作者单位:江苏省血吸虫病防治研究所、 卫生部寄生虫病预防与控制技术重点实验室、 江苏省寄生虫分子生物学重点实验室 (无锡 2014064)
基金项目:国家科技重大专项 (2012ZX10004220); 江苏省科教兴卫工程高技术平台 (ZX201108); 江苏省自然科学基金 (BK20141105); 江苏省临床医学科技专项 (BL2014021); 江苏省科技期刊研究基金 (JSRFTP2013C05)
摘    要:
目的 目的 对以传染源控制为主的血吸虫病综合防治策略产出进行文献计量学分析。 方法 方法 在中国知网 (CNKI)、万方数据库、 维普数据库 (VIP)、 PubMed、 Web of Science、 BIOSIS和Google Scholar 等数据库中检索有关以传染源控制为主的血吸虫病综合防治策略的文献, 并进行相关文献计量学分析。 结果 结果 2004?01?01至2014?09?30共发表94篇有关以传染源控制为主的血吸虫病综合防治策略, 其中中文文献78篇, 占82.98%; 英文文献16篇, 占17.02%。中文文献共发表在21种期刊上,《中国血吸虫病防治杂志》 发表论文最多, 占全部文献的37.23%; 16篇英文文献发表在12种英文期刊上,其中 《PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases》 刊载论文最多, 为3篇。94篇文献著者隶属于37家机构, 其中中国疾病预防控制中心寄生虫病预防控制所 (16篇)、 安徽省血吸虫病防治研究所 (12篇)、 湖南省血吸虫病防治所 (9篇) 发文量居前3位;94篇文献共有157位署名作者, 其中汪**、 周**、 张**发文量居前3位。 结论 结论 以传染源控制为主的血吸虫病综合防治策略已在全国广泛推广实施, 应加大经验总结, 并积极向国际上宣传已取得的成果。

关 键 词:血吸虫病; 传染源; 综合防治; 文献计量学  

Bibliometric analysis of literature regarding integrated schistosomiasis control strategy with emphasis on infectious source control
QIAN Yi-Li,WANG Wei,HONG Qing-Biao,LIANG You-Sheng. Bibliometric analysis of literature regarding integrated schistosomiasis control strategy with emphasis on infectious source control[J]. Chinese journal of schistosomiasis control, 2014, 26(6): 626
Authors:QIAN Yi-Li  WANG Wei  HONG Qing-Biao  LIANG You-Sheng
Affiliation:iangsu Institute of Parasitic Diseases|Key Laboratory on Technology for Parasitic Disease Prevention and Control|Ministry ofHealth| Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Parasites|Wuxi 214064|China
Objective Objective To evaluate the outcomes of implementation of integrated schistosomiasis control strategy with empha?sis on infectious source control using a bibliometric method. Methods Methods The literature pertaining to integrated schistosomiasiscontrol strategy with emphasis on infectious source control was retrieved from CNKI,Wanfangdata,VIP,PubMed,Web of Sci?ence,BIOSIS and Google Scholar,and a bibliometric analysis of literature captured was performed. Results Results During the periodfrom January 1,2004 through September 30,2014,a total of 94 publications regarding integrated schistosomiasis control strate?gy with emphasis on infectious source control were captured,including 78 Chinese articles(82.98%)and 16 English papers(17.02%) . The Chinese literature was published in 21 national journals,and Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control hadthe largest number of publications,consisting of 37.23% of total publications;16 English papers were published in 12 interna?tional journals,and PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases had the largest number of publications(3 publications) . There were 37affiliations publishing these 94 articles,and National Institute of Parasitic Diseases,Chinese Center for Disease Control and Pre?vention(16 publications),Anhui Institute of Schistosomiasis Control(12 publications)and Hunan Institute of SchistosomiasisControl(9 publications)ranked top three affiliations in number of publications. A total of 157 persons were co?authored in these94 publications,and Wang,Zhou and Zhang ranked top 3 authors in number of publications. Conclusion Conclusion The integratedschistosomiasis control strategy with emphasis on infectious source control has been widely implemented in China,and theachievements obtained from the implementation of this strategy should be summarized and transmitted internationally.
Keywords:Schistosomiasis;Source of infection;Integrated control; Bibliometrics  
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