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引用本文:杨才布,张福林,李世平,陈妍. 深圳市市属医院药品收支两条线管理的效果评价[J]. 中国医院统计, 2003, 10(4): 209-212
作者姓名:杨才布  张福林  李世平  陈妍
作者单位:1. 518020,广东省深圳市卫生局
2. 广东省深圳市医学信息中心
摘    要:
目的 探讨药品收支两条线管理在深圳市市属医院实施的效果。方法 调查收集7家市属医院实行药品收支两条线管理前3年和后3年的数据,对有关指标进行对比分析。结果 实行该项改革后,药品费用的快速增长确实得到有效抑制,但因在此期间其他改革措施(如药品招标采购、医药费用公示、医院领导班子调整等)也在进行中,尚难以排除相关影响因素。结论 药品收支两条线管理是一项重大的卫生体制改革。成效目前还不够明显,至少与改革的理想目标还有差距。

关 键 词:深圳市 市属医院 药品收支两条线管理 评价 药品费用 卫生体制

Evaluation of the Outcome of the Divided Management on Medicine Incomings and Outgoings in Municipal Hospitals in Shenzhen
Objective To explore the outcome of the divided management on medicine incomings and outgoings of hospitals in Shenzhen Methods A survey was made to collect the financial data in seven municipal hospitals in Shenzhen from 1997 to 2002 The divided management on medicine incomings and outgoings of hospitals has been carried out in Shenzhen since 2000 A comparison study for selected index of hospitals three years before and after the implementation of this policy was conducted Results It is evident that the rapid increase of medicine income has slowed down However, it is not easy to identify whether the divided management on medicine incomings and outgoings of hospitals is the key factor since other factors, such as implement of mass public bid of medicine, releasing the service prices of the items provided by hospitals, changes of leading members in hospitals, may also have contributed to the decline of medicine income Conclusion As one of the important reforms in Chinese health system, the divided management on medicine incomings and outgoings of hospitals has been put into practice since 2000, it may be helpful for the control of medicine expense, but the outcome is not so encouraged
Keywords:Divided management on medicine incomings and outgoings of hospitals Evaluation of outcome Control of medical expense
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