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Evaluation of an implantable motor-driven left ventricular assist device
Authors:Kikugawa D  Murakami T  Endo K  Fujiwara T  Takatani S
Affiliation:Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Kawasaki Medical School, Kurashiki, Japan.
A console based implantable motor-driven left ventricular assist device (LVAD) was developed and tested. Ten sheep weighing 42-73 kg (mean, 54.4 kg) were used as the experimental animals. Four animals survived 5-12 h (mean, 9.5 h). The mean pump flow was 1.63 L/min, ranging from 0.8 to 2.5 L/min. The cause of termination was respiratory failure in 3 animals, bleeding in 2, ventricular fibrillation in 2, vent tube obstruction in 1, thrombus formation in 1, and mechanical failure of the driving console in 1. Following the in vivo studies, the computer regulated controller was tested in a mock circulatory system. The LVAD provided 5.34 L/min of maximum output against a mean afterload of 80 mm Hg with a filling pressure of 15 mm Hg when the pump rate was 80 bpm in the fixed rate mode. With an increase in the pump afterload from 80 to 140 mm Hg, the total system efficiency varied from 7.81 to 8.34% when the pump preload was 15 mm Hg. An ultracompact, completely implantable electromechanical VAD has been under development. This device should fit in a 60 kg adult. As the next step, we are preparing to implant this ultracompact implantable VAD with an electronic controller in an animal model with better results being expected.
Keywords:Motor-driven left ventricular assist device    Electronic controller
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