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引用本文:孟娟,刘亚峰,张虹婷,易雪莲,刘世喜. 变应性鼻炎患者眼部症状的临床特点分析[J]. 临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志, 2014, 0(17): 1321-1325
作者姓名:孟娟  刘亚峰  张虹婷  易雪莲  刘世喜
摘    要:目的:探讨变应性鼻炎(AR)患者眼部症状的临床特点以及眼部症状对患者生活质量的影响。方法:采集AR患者病史及临床资料,从中抽取伴及不伴眼部症状的成年患者各100例,使用鼻结膜炎相关生活质量问卷进行生活质量评估。结果:共收集AR患者1 119例,伴眼部症状859例(有眼症组),其中眼部症状轻度582例,中度234例,重度43例;余260例为无眼症组。眼部症状最常见的为眼痒,其余依次为流泪、充血及肿胀。有眼症组AR病史长于无眼症组(P〈0.05)。眼部与鼻部症状呈正相关性(P〈0.01),有眼症组鼻部症状评分高于无眼症组(P〈0.01),中重度AR患者眼部症状评分高于轻度AR患者(P〈0.01)。女性患者眼部症状的发生率以及评分高于男性(P〈0.05)。〈10岁的患儿眼部症状发生率以及评分较低,而≥50岁患者眼部症状发生率及评分有增高趋势。有眼症组及无眼症组在变应原的分布特点及数量上差异无统计学意义。有眼症组患者的生活质量在非鼻结膜炎症状、相关行为、眼部症状、情感反应4个维度以及总分方面评分高于无眼症组。结论:AR患者多伴有眼部症状,且眼部症状对生活质量有明显的影响,因此在AR的诊疗中,眼部症状的控制不容忽视。

关 键 词:鼻炎,变应性  眼部症状  生活质量

Clinical features of ocular symptom in patients with allergic rhinitis
Affiliation:MENG Juan LIUYafeng ZHANG Hongting YI Xuelian LIU Shizi (Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, West China Hospital,Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610041, China)
Abstract:Objective: To investigate the clinical characteristics of ocular symptoms in patients with allergic rhinitis (AR) and the impact of the ocular symptoms on patientsrquality of life. Method:AR patients' history and clinical data were collected and analyzed. One hundred cases were extracted from adult patients with and without ocular symptoms in each group and their quality of life were evaluated using rhino-conjunctivitis quality of life questionnaire (RQLQ). Result:Totally 1 119 cases were collected and 859 cases had ocular symptoms. Of the pa- tients with ocular symptoms, 582 cases were mild, 234 cases were moderate, 43 cases were severe. Eye itching was the most common symptom, followed by tears, hyperemia and swelling. Patients with ocular symptoms had longer disease history than non ocular symptom group (P〈0.05). There was a positive correlation between ocular and nasal symptoms (P〈0.01); patients with ocular symptoms had more severe nasal symptoms than patients without ocular problems; while patients with moderate to severe AR had more severe ocular symptoms than mild AR patients (P〈0.01). Female patients had higher incidence (P〈0.05) and ocular symptoms score (P〈0.05) than male. Children less than 10 years old had a relative lower incidence and score of ocular symptoms. While the incidence and score had an increasing trend for patients older than fifty. There was no difference regarding the type and number of allergen in the patients with and without ocular symptom. Moreover, patients with ocular symp- toms had higher scores in the domains of non-nose/eye symptoms, practical problems, ocular symptoms, emotion- al function and total score in RQLQ than patients without ocular symptom. Conclusion:It was common for the AR patients to have ocular symptoms, and ocular symptoms had obvious influence on the patients' quality of life. So controlling of the ocular symptoms should not be ignored during the diagnosis and treatment of AR.
Keywords:rhinitis, allergic  ocular symptom  quality of life
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