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Superiority of metastatic lymph node ratio to the 7th edition UICC N staging in gastric cancer
Authors:Xiao Long-Bin  Yu Jian-Xing  Wu Wen-Hui  Xu Feng-Feng  Yang Shi-Bin
Affiliation:Long-Bin Xiao,Jian-Xing Yu,Wen-Hui Wu,Feng-Feng Xu,Shi-Bin Yang,Department of Gastrointestinal-pancreatic Surgery,the First Affiliated Hospital,Sun Yat-Sen University,Guangzhou 510080,Guangdong Province,China
AIM:To compare and evaluate the appropriate prog-nostic indicators of lymph node basic staging in gastric cancer patients who underwent radical resection.METHODS:A total of 1042 gastric cancer patients who underwent radical resection and D2 lymphadenectomy were staged using the 6th and 7th edition International Union Against Cancer(UICC)N staging methods and the metastatic lymph node ratio(MLNR)staging.Ho-mogeneity,discriminatory ability,and gradient mono-tonicity of the various staging methods were compare...
Keywords:Gastric cancer  Metastatic lymph node ratio  Prognosis  
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