Abstract: | In our previous studies performed in rats sclerotic alterations were induced in the vessel wall by Lipofundin-S 20% (Braun, Melsungen) administration for 8 or 16 days, respectively. In order to elucidate eventual species dependency, studies on rabbits were also performed. Alterations were examined in rabbits after Lipofundin treatment for 8 days. Electron microscopic studies revealed the accumulation of granular basement membrane-like material in the subendothelial space due to the activity of immigrated smooth muscle cells. The formation of elastic granules and elastic laminae was also observed among others due to the coalescence of microfibrillary structures formed from glycoseaminoglycans. The lesion developed was similar to that observed in the rat, the only difference was that in the rabbit the accumulation of the collagen fibres was more prominent. Results of our studies obtained in rabbits appear to support our previous findings: Lipofundin-S treatment induces aortic smooth muscle cell mobilization, fibrillogenesis and enlargement of the subendothelial space, namely sclerotic manifestations are induced. |