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引用本文:陆广莘,贾谦. 药之害在医不在药[J]. 世界科学技术, 2003, 5(3): 72-74
作者姓名:陆广莘  贾谦
作者单位:[1]中国中医研究院中医基础研究所北京100700 [2]中国科学技术信息研究所北京100038
摘    要:对于近期国内外医药界把“龙胆泻肝丸事件”归结于中药中含有马兜铃酸的普遍倾向本文提出了完全不同的看法,作者认为其事实并非如此,药之害在医不在药。之所以出现“龙胆泻肝丸事件”,是因为国外不懂中医的人以及国内一些西医未遵循中医理论正确辨病,乱用中药造成的,不能归罪于中药。中西医诊疗思想有很大的不同,中药必须按中医理论辨证使用,如果不辨病使用中药,出现问题,只能怪医(本文是在第四届中医药战略地位研讨会上的演讲稿)。

关 键 词:马兜铃酸 龙胆泻肝丸 中药 合理用药 药物毒性 中医理论

The Harm of Chinese Medicine Results from Medical Doctors Instead of Medicines Proper
Lu Guangxin. The Harm of Chinese Medicine Results from Medical Doctors Instead of Medicines Proper[J]. World Science and Technology(Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine), 2003, 5(3): 72-74
Authors:Lu Guangxin
Abstract:Recently, medical circles in China and abroad have generally been inclined to attributing the "Longdan Xiegan Wan Event" to such a view that aristolochic acid exists in that Chinese medicine, but this article puts forward its completely different arguments. The authors of the article maintain that the fact is not so at all. The harm of Chinese medicines results from medical doctors instead of Chinese medicines proper. The emergence of this event is due to the consequence that those who do not know traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) abroad and some doctors of Western medicine in China have not correctly differentiated diseases in accordance with TCM theories and have wrongly employed Chinese medicines. Therefore it is not the fault of Chinese medicines. The article energetically points out that the ideas of diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine tremendously differ from those of Western medicine and Chinese medicines must be dialectically employed according to the theories of traditional Chinese medicine. If Chinese medicines are used without the differentiation of diseases and problems occur accordingly, it can only be medical doctors' responsibility. (This article is a speech delivered at the Fourth Seminar on Strategic Position of Traditional Chinese Medicine) .
Keywords:aristolochic acid   traditional Chinese medicine   Chinese medicine   longdan xiegan wan
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