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Laparoscopic living donor nephrectomy of kidneys with multiple renal vessels
Authors:Giessing M  Deger S  Ebeling V  Schönberger B  Roigas J  Kroencke T J  Türk I
Affiliation:Universit?tsklinik für Urologie, Charité, Berlin. markus.giessing@charite.de
Due to the increasing waiting time for transplantation of a cadaveric kidney, living donor kidney transplantation is an increasingly oncoming issue. Laparoscopic donor nephrectomies (LDN) have been performed since 1995 and presently more than 100 transplant centers offer this minimally invasive surgical approach. The advantages for the donor of less pain, shorter hospital stay, earlier return to work, better cosmetic results in combination with an organ function equal to open donor nephrectomy are the reasons for an enormous increase in LDN. Since up to 30% of the donor kidneys have multiple vessels for blood supply, an increase of these organs for LDN can be expected. We performed a retrospective study of LDN at our center and compared donors with multiple vs single vessel supply. From February 1999 to September 2002, 63 LDN were performed at the department of Urology, Charité University Hospital, Berlin. A comparison between 18 donor kidneys with multiple vessel supply and 45 donor organs with single vessels showed no difference for the time of laparoscopic explantation (207 vs 201 min, p=0.4) or the warm (166 vs 148 s, p=0.2) and cold ischemic times (117 vs 103 min, p=0.66). As could be expected, the mixed ischemic time, i.e., the time for anastomosis of the kidney with the recipient's vessels, showed a significant difference (53 vs 46 min, p=0.02). Intra- and postoperative complication rates for donors and recipients were not different in both groups. Laparoscopic donor nephrectomy for kidneys with multiple vessels is feasible and safe for donor and recipient.
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