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引用本文:李桂英,贺雄,孙伟东,刘海林. 北京市吸毒人群艾滋病病病毒感染状况的调查[J]. 中国艾滋病性病, 1999, 0(4)
作者姓名:李桂英  贺雄  孙伟东  刘海林
摘    要:1998年11月~12月对599名吸毒者进行HIV/AIDS血清学调查,检出HIV阳性者9例,阳性率为1.5%.调查对象中252例(42.1%)采用注射吸毒或吸食、注射交替方式;42例(16.7%)有与他人共用针具史,注射吸毒者HIV阳性率为3.6%.49例(11.1%)承认有婚外性行为,213例(70.5%)在性行为活动中未采取保护措施.本调查结果对于北京市吸毒人群的HIV感染率水平仍属低估.

关 键 词:艾滋病病毒  横断面研究  吸毒者

Investigation for HIV Infection in Drug User in Beijing
Abstract:During the period of Nov. 1 and Dec. 30, 1998, a cross - sectional study was being conducted on the HIV prevalence and HIV related risk behaviors among drug users in Beijing. Nine of 599 were detected with HIV positive and its prevalence rate was 1.5%. Among the 599 drug users, 252 (42.1%) ones had the history of injecting drug, 42 (16.7%) of whom had ever shared the syringes and needles with others. The HIV prevalence rate among IVDUs, therefore, was 3.6%. 49 drug users (11.1%) of the total individuals reported had more than one sexual partners and 213 ones (70.5%) had never taken protective measures during sexual intercourse. The results was still under estimation of the HIV prevalence in the population of drug users in Beijing.
Keywords:HIV  Cross-sectional study  Drug user  
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