Abstract: |
Objectiveevaluate prenatal care for adolescents in health units, in accordance withthe attributes of Primary Health Care (PHC) guidelines.Methodquantitative study conducted with health professionals, using the PrimaryCare Assessment Tool-Brazil to assess the presence and extent of PHCattributes.Resultsfor all the participating units, the attribute Access scored ≤6.6; theattributes Longitudinality, Coordination (integration of care), Coordination(information systems) and Integrality scored ≥6.6, and the Essential Score≤6.6. Comparing basic units with family health units, the attribute scoreswere equally distributed; Accessibility scored ≤6.6, the others attributesscored ≥6.6; however, in the basic units, the Essential Score was ≤6.6 and,in the family health units, ≥6.6.Conclusionexpanding the coverage of family health units and the training ofprofessionals can be considered strategies to qualify health care. |