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Detection and determination of chemical groups in an extract of Allophylus cominia (L.)
Authors:Rodriguez Tania Veliz  Gonzales Janinne Valls  Sanchez Luz Maria  Perez Mario Noa  Faz Evangelina Marrero
Affiliation:Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Havana, Department of Chemistry, Pharmacology-Toxicology, Centro Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria, CENSA, APDO, Havana, Cuba. tanvelro@yahoo.es
The preliminary chemical characterization of the aqueous extract of Allophylus cominia (L.) Sw leaves was carried out by a phytochemical screening, the determination of the protein concentration by Lowry's method, as well as the composition of fatty acids and carbohydrates by gaseous chromatography (GC). The presence of the free amine groups, free phenolics, tannins, leucoantocianidines, saponines, triterpens, and steroids was detected. The concentration of proteins were 6.22 mg/mL. The composition of fatty acids (%) were: lauric acid (C12): 1.87; miristic acid (C14): 9.13; palmitic acid (C16): 19.87; stearic acid (C18): 8.35; and araquidic acid (C20): 7.83. The identified carbohydrates (mg/mg totals) were: arabinose: 0.06; xilose: 0.025; galactose: 0.241; and glucose: 1.2. Some members of these analyzed groups are reported in literature as potent hypoglycemic agents. For this reason, the presence of these substances in the analyzed extract may be one of the factors that contribute to the pharmacological effect of their administration in experimental diabetic models.
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