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A semi‐LASER,single‐voxel spectroscopic sequence with a minimal echo time of 20.1 ms in the human brain at 3 T
Authors:Karl Landheer,Martin Gajdo&#x  í  k,Christoph Juchem
Affiliation:Karl Landheer,Martin Gajdošík,Christoph Juchem
Abstract:An optimized semi‐LASER sequence that is capable of acquiring artefact‐free data with an echo time (TE) of 20.1 ms on a standard clinical 3 T MR system was developed. Simulations were performed to determine the optimal TEs that minimize the expected Cramér‐Rao lower bound (CRLB) as proxy for quantification accuracy of metabolites. Optimized RF pulses, crusher gradients and phase cycling were used to achieve the shortest TE in a semi‐LASER sequence to date on a clinical system. Synthetic spectra were simulated using the density matrix formalism for TEs spanning from 20.1 to 220.1 ms. These simulations were used to calculate the expected CRLB for each of the 18 metabolites typically considered in 1H MRS. High quality spectra were obtained in six healthy volunteers in the prefrontal cortex, which is known for spurious echoes due to its proximity to the paranasal sinuses, and in the parietal‐occipital cortex. Spectral transients were sufficient in quality to enable phase and frequency alignment prior to summation over all repetitions. Automated high‐quality water suppression was obtained for all voxels without manual adjustment. The shortest TE minimized the CRLB for all brain metabolites except glycine due to its overlap with myo‐inositol at this TE. It is also demonstrated that the CRLBs increase rapidly with TE for certain coupled metabolites.
Keywords:magnetic resonance spectroscopy  semi‐LASER  short‐TE spectroscopy  single‐voxel spectroscopy  VAPOR
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