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引用本文:周世瑜. 危重极低出生体重儿抢救体会[J]. 中国优生与遗传杂志, 1997, 5(2): 63-63
摘    要:7例危重极低体重儿抢救成功。出生体重最低为1200g,胎龄最小为27周,入院年龄最小为生后2小时,除早产、极低出生体重外,患有新生儿硬肿症、窒息、肺炎、脐炎和黄疸等2至5种疾病,住院天数平均27.3天,出院时体重增加平均180g。作者认为加强新生儿重症监护室作用,积极支持疗法,使用暖箱和鼻饲喂养,重视护理等是抢救成功的要点。

关 键 词:极低出生体重儿  新生儿  抢救

Learn from the emergency treatment for critical neonate of very lowbirth weight
Zhou Shiyu.. Learn from the emergency treatment for critical neonate of very lowbirth weight[J]. Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity, 1997, 5(2): 63-63
Authors:Zhou Shiyu.
Abstract:7 critical neonates of very low-birth weight were rescued successfully. The lowest birth weight and gestational age of the neonates were 1200g and 27 weeks respectively, the youngest one was 2 hoursafter birth at the time been hospitalized. Except premature birth and very low-birth weight,they suffered from sclerdema neonatorum, asphyxia, pneumonia, omphalitis and jaundice etc. two to five diseases. The average hospitalization days were 27. 3. The body weight increased by an average of 180g during the hospitalization. The author considered that enhancing the effect of Intensive Care Unit, adoptting vigorous support therapy,using incubator and gastrogavage, as well as paying great attention to nursing care etc. were the key point of successful emergency treatment.
Keywords:Very low-birth weight   Neonate  emergency treatment  
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