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引用本文:许向军,周农,汪兰兰. 学龄期癫痫儿童社会适应能力及其影响因素[J]. 安徽医科大学学报, 2015, 50(12): 1824-1826
作者姓名:许向军  周农  汪兰兰
摘    要:选取56例学龄期癫痫儿童和年龄、性别、受教育年限等严格匹配的37例健康儿童,采用儿童适应行为量表评估患儿的社会适应能力,并应用多元回归分析探讨癫痫相关因素对学龄期癫痫儿童社会适应能力的影响. 学龄期癫痫儿童存在显著的社会适应能力减退,其社会适应能力受发作频率、性别、年龄、癫痫发作控制与否、病程和抗癫痫药物数量的影响.

关 键 词:癫痫  社会适应能力  学龄期  抗癫痫药物

Features and relevant factors concerning the social adaptive function of school-aged children with epilepsy
Abstract:56 school-aged children with epilepsy and 37 normal ones of the same gender,age and educational level were selected. All the subjects' parents completed the child adaptive behavior scale, the mutiple stepwise linear re-gression was used to explore the impact of epilepsy related factors on social adaptive function. The social adaptive function of school-aged children with epilepsy faulty is affected by seizure frequence,gender,age,epilepsy control, clinical course,and the number of antiepileptic drugs.
Keywords:epilepsy  social adaptive function  school-aged  antiepileptic drugs
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