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Organization of the chloroplast genome in the red alga Porphyra yezoensis
Authors:M. S. Shivji
Affiliation:(1) School of Fisheries, HF-10, University of Washington, 98195 Seattle, WA, USA
Summary A comprehensive assessment of the origin and evolution of plastids will require more information on the nature of plastid genomes from non-green algae. I have constructed a physical map of the chloroplast genome from the red alga Porphyra yezoensis. The 185 kb circular genome contains ribosomal RNA encoding inverted repeats (6.6 kb), and is divided into small and large singlecopy regions of approxiamtely 16 kb and 156 kb respectively. The Porphyra genome contains several genes not found in higher plant chloroplasts. Genes encoding the pigmented, light-harvesting phycobiliproteins are organized relatively close to one another on the genome, and represent components of a multi-gene family. the phycocyanin biliprotein genes (ppcBA) map in two single-copy regions, suggesting either duplicated genes or a transsplicing mechanism. In contrast to higher plants, the tufA and rbcS genes are chloroplast-encoded in Porphyra, and rbcS is clustered with the rbcL gene, suggesting an operon type of arrangement. The Porphyra chloroplast genome is distinctive, also, in that part of it has sequence homology to plasmid-like DNA molecules which co-isolate with the chloroplast DNA.
Keywords:Red-algal chloroplast DNA  Phycobiliprotein genes  Physical map
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