Abstract: | This article is the fourth in the series focusing on recent developments in the Elderly West Research Centre in western Sweden. It describes an innovative research, development and evaluation project, the Aldre Vast Information Centre (AV IC), which was developed in direct response to the local needs of Swedish older people and their family carers who participated in the EU ACTION project (Assisting Carers using Telematics Interventions to meet Older persons' Needs) outlined in the first article in this series (Vol 11(11): 759-763). Families requested easier access to information, education and support from professional carers. They also valued the informal support network from other family carers who listened and shared experiences together. In response to these needs, the AV IC project was established to provide telephone, videophone and internet support to older citizens and their families living in the Sjuharad area of west Sweden. The Information Centre is run by professionals and volunteers with the aim of empowering and supporting older people and their families to make informed choices and decisions regarding health and social care matters of importance to them. The project provides an innovative example of how the Aldre Vast Sjuharad user-focused philosophy (Magnusson et al, 2001) can be applied in practice to provide an appropriate evaluation model - namely, one that enables all those stakeholders in the IC to have a voice in its shape and direction. |