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引用本文:无,王本臻,韩玲,李自普,田杰,黄国英,袁越,陈永红,安金斗,张艳敏,解春红,张惠丽,庄建新,张丽,王献民,吕铁伟,张蕾. 新型冠状病毒肺炎防控形势下儿童青少年慢性心力衰竭的临床管理建议[J]. 中华实用儿科临床杂志, 2020, 0(2): 112-117
作者姓名:  王本臻  韩玲  李自普  田杰  黄国英  袁越  陈永红  安金斗  张艳敏  解春红  张惠丽  庄建新  张丽  王献民  吕铁伟  张蕾
摘    要:2019年12月我国湖北省武汉市爆发新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)感染疫情,目前已蔓延至全国各地,流行病学显示人群对该病毒普遍易感,且患有基础疾病的患者是重症、危重症的高危人群,同时儿童青少年感染病例数正日益增多。慢性心力衰竭儿童因其基础条件差,感染2019-nCoV后将给此类患儿的诊治带来严峻的挑战。结合儿童2019-nCoV感染的临床特点及儿童慢性心力衰竭的诊治要点,在此提出慢性心力衰竭儿童2019-nCoV感染的临床管理建议,以供临床参考。

关 键 词:新型冠状病毒  肺炎  心力衰竭  儿童  青少年

Recommendations for clinical management of children and adolescents with chronic heart failure during the epidemic period of novel coronavirus pneumonia
Affiliation:(Collaborating Group of Precise Diagnosis and Treatment of Cardiomyopathy,Chinese Pediatric Cardiology Society,Chinese Pediatric Society,Chinese Medical Association;Collaborating Group of Heart Failure,Chinese Pediatric Cardiology Society,Chinese Pediatric Society,Chinese Medical Association;不详)
Abstract:The outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia(COVID-19)in Wuhan,Hubei,China in December 2019 has spread to all parts of the country.Epidemiology showed that the population is generally susceptible to the virus,and the number of infected children and adolescents has been increasing.Children and adolescents with chronic heart failure have poor physical fitness,and there are great challenges to the diagnosis and treatment for these patients with 2019 novel coronavirus(2019-nCoV)infection.Based on the clinical characteristics of COVID-19 in children and the key points of management of chronic heart failure in children and adolescents,we suggested the clinical management recommendations for 2019-nCoV infection in children and adolescents with chronic heart failure.
Keywords:2019 novel coronavirus  Novel coronavirus pneumonia  Heart failure  Child  Adolescents
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