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Informed Consent for Medical Research: Common Discrepancies and Readability
Authors:Lynn J. White MS    Jeffrey S. Jones MD    Christopher W Felton MD   Linda C. Pool RA
Affiliation:Department of Emergency Medicine (LJW, CWF): Buttenvorth Hospital, Grand Rapids, MI, Department of Emergency Medicine (JSJ): and Cook Research and Education Institute. Grand Rapids, MI (LCP)
Objective: To identify common discrepancies and average reading grade levels for informed consent forms (ICFs) us submitted to institutional review boards (IRBs) by medical researchers.
Methods: A retrospective evaluation of ICFs as submitted to IRBs of 3 university-affiliated hospitals during a I-year period. ICF content was evaluated using a checklist of 23 requirements specified in the federal regulations governing human research. Documents then were computer-analyzed to determine the readability scores using 2 common indexes of comprehension. A discrepancy was defined as any instance in which an ICF did not address an applicable requirement in the Code of Federal Regulations.
Results: Eighty-two ICFs representing 16 medical specialties were evaluated; 8 (10%) were from emergency medicine. Eighteen ICFs (22%) were conspicuously incomplete, lacking 29 federal requirements. The mean number of discrepancies was 4.7 (95% CI, 3.9–5.5) Common omissions included: a statement about who is doing the research, number of subjects in the study, circumstances when a subject's participation may be terminated, disclosure of alternative procedures, and notice to subjects regarding new findings. The mean Flesch grade level required to read all ICFs was 13.8 (95% CI, 13.5–14.2), implying that the majority of the U.S. adult population would be unable to comprehend these forms.
Conclusion: Designing a consent form to meet all of the federal requirements while maintaining a level of reading comprehension suitable for the general population is a difficult task for investigators.
Keywords:clinical research    institutional review board    informed consent    readability
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