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A Complication of Stellate Ganglion Block?
Authors:Alfred Philip James Lake,BSc,MBBS,FFARCS,   Kathiravelpillai Puvanachandra,MBBS,DO,FRCS,FRCOphth
Affiliation:Consultant in Anesthesia and Pain Management;; Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Department of Anesthesia, Glan Clwyd Hospital, Rhyl, Denbighshire, United Kingdom
Abstract: Stellate ganglion block is commonly used to treat the sympathetically maintained pain which may occur in one‐third of patients with complex regional pain syndrome type 1. A complication that followed a single block and presented a diagnostic dilemma for the ophthalmologist is reported.
Keywords:stellate ganglion block    complex regional pain syndrome type 1    ptosis
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