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Asymmetric space closure
Authors:A A Gianelly  J B Smith  J R Bednar  V S Dietz
Abstract:In a vertically slotted 0.022 X 0.028 inch edgewise system, the use of a two-dimensional ribbon arch--0.022 X 0.016 inch from lateral incisor to lateral incisor and 0.016 X 0.022 inch from the canine to the molars--plus an uprighting spring on the canine maintained incisor position while unilaterally protracting a molar-premolar unit by means of sliding mechanics. Five degrees of labial crown torque was placed in the incisor portion of the wire and the uprighting spring exerted a force of 200 to 250 g. The intra-arch force applied to protract the molar--premolar unit was 300 to 350 g.
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