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代谢综合征与结肠癌关系的 Meta 分析
引用本文:雷平平,何伟平,石泉,吴彩云,王高明,陈建慧,孙志刚. 代谢综合征与结肠癌关系的 Meta 分析[J]. 重庆医学, 2015, 0(24): 3389-3392. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-8348.2015.24.026
作者姓名:雷平平  何伟平  石泉  吴彩云  王高明  陈建慧  孙志刚
摘    要:目的:通过 Meta 分析探讨代谢综合征与结肠癌的关系。方法计算机检索中国知网、万方数据库、PubMed、Ovid-sp 数据库,时限为1990年1月至2014年5月。按纳入和排除标准,进行文献筛选及资料提取。采用 STATA12.0软件进行 Meta分析。结果共纳入8篇文献(6项队列研究、2项病例对照研究)。Meta 分析结果显示,代谢综合征结肠癌发病风险明显高于对照组(OR=1.43,95%CI :1.23~1.66,P <0.05);分层分析发现,男性人群中,代谢综合征结肠癌发病风险高于对照组(OR =1.50,95%CI :1.22~1.84,P <0.05),然而,女性人群中,其合并效应量 OR 为1.39(95%CI :0.98~1.96,P =0.07),差异却无统计学意义。另外,与对照组相比,代谢综合征结肠癌死亡风险并未发生变化(OR=1.22,95%CI :0.92~1.63,P =0.17)。结论代谢综合征与结肠癌发病有一定联系,但存在性别差异。代谢综合征结肠癌死亡风险并未增加,有待更多前瞻性队列研究进一步证实。

关 键 词:代谢综合征  结肠癌  Meta 分析

Metabolic syndrome and colon cancer:a Meta-analysis
Abstract:Objective To investigate the association between Metabolic syndrome and colon cancer.Methods A literature search was performed through PubMed,Ovidsp,CNKI and Wangfang Data within the time limit of January 1 990 to May 2014.Ac-cording to the inclusion and exclusion criteria,the studies were screened and the data were extracted.Then Meta-analysis was per-formed using Stata Statistical Software version 12.0.Results A total of 8 studies(6 cohort studies and 2 case-control studies)met the inclusion criteria.Meta analysis showed that patients with Metabolic syndrome had a higher risk of colon cancer incidence com-pared with the control group without Metabolic syndrome(OR =1.43,95%CI :1.23 - 1.66,P <0.05 ).Stratified analysis showed Metabolic syndrome had a higher risk of colon cancer incidence in male(OR=1.50,95%CI :1.22-1.84,P <0.05),but in female, this association was not found(OR=1.39,95%CI :0.98- 1.96,P =0.07).In addition,Meta analysis showed that Metabolic syn-drome was not associated with an increased risk of colon cancer mortality(OR=1.22,95%CI :0.92-1.63,P =0.1 7).Conclusion This Meta analysis indicated a positive association between Metabolic syndrome and colon cancer incidence in male,but not in fe-male.Metabolic syndrome might not be associated with an increased risk of colon cancer mortality,yet it needs more prospective co-hort studies to confirm the conclusion.
Keywords:metabolic syndrome  colon cancer  Meta analysis
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