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引用本文:宋雅君,周哲慧,刘沁,胡颖. 老年肺心病急性发作期凝血功能检测的临床意义[J]. 临床肺科杂志, 2006, 11(3): 337-338
作者姓名:宋雅君  周哲慧  刘沁  胡颖
摘    要:目的探讨凝血功能和血液流变学检测对老年肺心病患者的临床意义。方法检测30例老年肺心病急性加重期患者凝血功能(PT,APTT,TT,FBG),D-二聚体以及血液流变学指标,包括红细胞压积、全血粘度、血浆粘度(高切、低切),并同肺心病缓解期和正常健康老人相比较。结果慢性肺心病急性发作期与其缓解期以及对照组相比,PT,APTT,TT缩短,FBG,D-二聚体上升,且差异有显著性;红细胞压积、血浆粘度、全血粘度升高,且差异有显著性。结论血浆D-二聚体,FBG,血液流变学,凝血功能监测对评估疾病程度及其预后以及疗效观察提供有力的依据。

关 键 词:肺心病  凝血功能  D-二聚体  血液流变学

Clinical value of cagulation function and hemorheology in older patients with pulmonary heart disease at acute stage
SONG Yajun, ZHOU Zhehui, LIU Qin ,et al. Clinical value of cagulation function and hemorheology in older patients with pulmonary heart disease at acute stage[J]. Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine, 2006, 11(3): 337-338
Authors:SONG Yajun   ZHOU Zhehui   LIU Qin   et al
Affiliation:Department of Internal Medicine,Huangpu District Central Hospital, Shanghai 20002 China
Abstract:Objective To study clinical value of coagulation function and hemorheology in old patients with pulmonary and heart disease at acute stage. Methods A total of 30 cases with pulmonary and heart disease at acute episode phase and remission phase were compared with the controls in the plasma coagulation parameters of prothombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (APTT), thrombin time (TT), fibrinogen (FBG), D-dimer and the hemorheological indexes of hematocrit (HCT), blood viscosity (BV), and plasma viscosity (PV). Results The patients' levels of FBG, D-dimer, HCT, BV and PV had significantly increased more and PT, APTT and TT were significantly shortened at acure phase than that at remision phase or that in the controls. Conclusion The measures of FBG, D-dimer, HCT, BV, PV and PT, APTT, TT in CPHDA may provide some indication of the disease severity and the prognosis.
Keywords:chronic pulmonary heart disease coagulation function hemorheology D-dimer  
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