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Transitions and inequalities in acute myocardial infarction mortality in New South Wales, 1969-94
Authors:Ian H. Burnley
Affiliation:School of Geography, University of New South Wales. I.Burnley@unsw.edu.au
Abstract:OBJECTIVE: To chart the transition in myocardial infarction mortality in NSW between 1969 and 1994 and to determine whether spatial, marital and occupational status differentials increased over time, despite overall mortality decline. METHOD: The study was undertaken in NSW for the 25-year period from 1969 when mortality from ischaemic heart disease declined. The demographic and spatial analysis involved descriptive epidemiology and utilised the unit list mortality files of the Australian Bureau of Statistics which are based on detailed death certificate information. RESULTS: Spatial, marital and occupational status differentials in myocardial infarction mortality increased over time, more especially variations by occupational status, inland/metropolitan differences, and married/divorced or widowed variation. Spatial variations in mortality were not simply the result of occupational status differences as mortality from white collar groups was also elevated in inland areas. Spatial variation in mortality was not diluted due to the impact of immigration. CONCLUSIONS: Particular subgroups of people remained at risk and it is likely that differential access to ambulance services and travel time contribute, more particularly in inland rural areas. IMPLICATIONS: Groups at risk need to be more precisely targeted for preventative measures and public health initiatives, with particular implications for groups in inland rural areas, the Hunter Region, and outer lower income areas of Sydney.
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