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Correlation of 10-milliliter digital subtraction ventriculograms compared with standard cineangiograms
Authors:Jonathan M. Tobis  Orhan Nalcioglu  Warren D. Johnston  Anthony Seibert  Werner Roeck  Uri Elkayam  Walter L. Henry
Affiliation:Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, University of California, Irvine Medical Center Orange, Calif., USA
Abstract:Left ventriculograms were obtained with the use of 10 ml of contrast media by passing fluoroscopic video images through a video image processor. The low concentration of dye in the left ventricle was enhanced by the technique of mask mode subtraction, and the images were postprocessed to increase visibility by manipulation of the gray scale and contrast levels. These digital subtraction angiograms were compared to standard cineangiograms by means of 40 ml of contrast media. Of 30 patients studied, six (20%) had runs of ventricular tachycardia during the cineangiogram and had to be excluded. In the remaining 24 patients, there was a good correlation between the two techniques for left ventricular end-diastolic volume (r = 0.77, end-systolic volume (r = 0.95), and ejection fraction (r = 0.97). Spatial resolution in the digital studies was adequate to appreciate wall motion abnormalities that were visualized on the cineangiograms. Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) did not change after the 10 ml injection, but the mean LVEDP rose 6.0 mm Hg after the 40 ml cineangiograms (p < 0.01). Digital subtraction angiography can be used to obtain left ventriculograms with one-fourth the amount of contrast media and one-fourth the x-ray exposure compared to standard cineangiograms. This technology will permit multiple left ventriculograms to be obtained which, in turn, will allow intervention studies to be performed in the catheterization laboratory.
Keywords:Reprint requests: Jonathan Tobis   M.D.   Division of Cardiology   Department of Medicine   University of California   Irvine Medical Center   101 City Drive South   Bldg 53   Orange   CA 92668.
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