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Areola-Nipple Perception Threshold to Faradic Electricity: A New Measure of Sensibility of the Breasts
Authors:Arturo Prado  Patricio Andrades  Susana Benitez  Franciso Parada
Affiliation:(1) Plastic Surgery Division, Department of Surgery, Jose Joaquin Aguirre Clinical Hospital, University of Chile School of Medicine, Santiago, Chile;(2) Manquehue Norte 1707 Of. 210 Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
Background  We describe a new method to study the sensibility of the nipple-areola complex of the breast with faradic electricity delivered through an electromyographic device used to monitor peripheral nerve conduction. Methods  The objective results of faradic pulses (2–50 mA per pulse) delivered to the nipple-areola complex of the breast through a Nihon-Kohden II machine (Evoked potential/Electromyographs, Nihon-Kohden Co., Japan) were evaluated in normal volunteers to get a basal measure that was defined by the patient as “a soft electric discharge.” The measures were recorded and their output discharges averaged (at least 5 to each complex). Results  Twenty-eight volunteers with normal breasts, 28 patients with breast hypertrophy before and after breast reduction, and 28 patients before and after breast augmentation were studied. The faradic pulses were perceived from 1.5 to 3.5 mA in the areola and from 3 to 5.5 mA in the nipple in the control group and from 4.5 to 7.0 mA in the areola and from 6.5 to 9.5 mA in the nipple in the breast hypertrophy group with no significant changes before and after surgery. In the breast augmentation group the faradic pulses were very similar to the volunteers that had normal breasts, but 13 months after breast augmentation with silicone gel prosthesis, a difference was found because all the patients had a higher threshold and three cases had lost sensibility of the nipple-areola complex. Conclusion  In normal breasts the areola had a lower threshold for faradic pulses compared to the nipple. Hypertrophic breasts had a higher threshold to the faradic stimulation than normal subjects in the pre- and postoperative period. Hypoplastic breasts before breast augmentation had a perception threshold similar to that of the normal volunteers but after breast augmentation this perception was much higher. This study received the Scientific Exhibit Award at the ASAPS/ASERF Annual Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2005.
Keywords:Breast sensibility  Faradic stimulation  Nipple-areola thresholds  Faradic pulses
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