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引用本文:吴镇宇,姚丽萍. 与川崎病发病及冠状动脉损伤相关的易感基因[J]. 中外医疗, 2016, 0(16): 197-199. DOI: 10.16662/j.cnki.1674-0742.2016.16.197
作者姓名:吴镇宇  姚丽萍
作者单位:1. 包头医学院第一附属医院儿科,内蒙古包头 014010; 包头医学院研究生学院,内蒙古包头 014010;2. 包头医学院第一附属医院儿科,内蒙古包头,014010
摘    要:

关 键 词:川崎病  易感基因  冠状动脉损伤

Association of Susceptibility Genes with Kawasaki Disease and Coronary Artery Lesion
Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute vasculitis of infancy and childhood that has become the leading cause of ac-quired heart disease in children in the developed world, in whom the resulting coronary artery abnormalities can cause my-ocardial ischaemia, infarction and even death. The etiology and pathogenesis of KD have yet to be known despite more than 5 decades of investigation. Recent advances in research on KD include searches for genetic susceptibility related to KD and research on immunopathogenesis. Genetic factors increase susceptibility to Kawasaki disease, as indicated by its strikingly high incidence rate in children of Asian ethnicity and by an increased incidence in first-degree family members. This re-view summarizes recent advances in understanding of the susceptibility genes related to Kawasaki disease and coronary artery lesion.
Keywords:Kawasaki disease  Susceptibility genes  Coronary artery lesion
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