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引用本文:张斌,范文澜. 服刑人员社会支持对心理健康的影响研究[J]. 川北医学院学报, 2016, 31(4): 545-547. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3697.2016.04.026
作者姓名:张斌  范文澜
作者单位:南充市精神卫生中心,四川 南充,637000;南充市精神卫生中心,四川 南充,637000
摘    要:目的:探讨服刑人员社会支持和心理健康现状,分析社会支持对心理健康状态的影响。方法:采用随机整群抽样,选取监狱服刑人员为对象。用自制问卷、心理健康测评量表(SCL-90)和领悟社会支持量表(PSSS)收集相关信息。SCL-90总分>160判定为阳性。结果:共调查1 153人,心理健康测评结果阳性率为63.6%。与测评结果阴性人群比较,阳性者社会支持总得分及来自家庭、朋友和其它3个维度的得分均明显较低。Logistic回归分析表明,低社会支持水平明显增大心理健康问题的发生风险。包括,总得分(OR=2.09,95%CI:1.81~2.57)及家庭支持(OR=2.78,95%CI:2.51~3.05)、朋友支持(OR=1.77,95%CI:1.44~2.11)和其它支持(OR=1.42,95%CI:1.19~1.65)。结论:服刑人员心理健康问题严重,大力提高社会支持水平可能是改善其心理健康现状的有效途径。

关 键 词:心理健康  社会支持  服刑人员

The impact of social support on mental health of inmates
ZHANG bin,FAN Wen-lan. The impact of social support on mental health of inmates[J]. Journal of North Sichuan Medical College, 2016, 31(4): 545-547. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3697.2016.04.026
Authors:ZHANG bin  FAN Wen-lan
Affiliation:ZHANG bin;FAN Wen-lan;Nanchong Mental Health Center;
Abstract:Objective:To investigate the psychological status and social support of inmates and examine the impact of social support on their mental health.Methods:Participants were selected by random cluster sampling method,select the prison inmates as the object.Data were collected through self-administrated questionnaire,Self-reporting Inventory (SCL-90)and perceived social support scale (PSSS).SCL-90 scores greater than 160 decision is positive.Results:A total of 1 153 inmates were selected,and positive rate (Grand score of SCL-90 >160)was 63.6%.The total score of PSSS as well as score of family support,friend support and other support were significantly lower among participants with positive results when compared to those with negative results.The results of logistic re-gression showed that the lower total score of PSSS(OR =2.09,95%CI:1 .81 -2.57),and lower score in three dimensions including family support (OR =2.78,95%CI:2.5 1 -3.05),friend support (OR =1 .77,95%CI:1 .44 -2.1 1 )and others support (OR =1 .42, 95%CI:1 .19 -1 .65)significantly increased the risk of psychological problems.Conclusion:Psychological problems were prevalent in inmates.Social support may play a significant role in improving the mental health of inmates.
Keywords:Mental health  Social support  Inmates
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