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Relationship between blood pressure during haemodialysis and ambulatory blood pressure in between dialyses
Authors:Huisman, R. M.   de Bruin, C.   Klont, D.   Smit, A. J.
Affiliation:1Home Dialysis Center, State University Hospital Groningen The Netherlands 2Home Dialysis Center and Departments of Nephrology The Netherlands 3Home Dialysis Center and Departments of Angiology State University Hospital Groningen The Netherlands
BACKGROUND.: Ambulatory blood pressure measurements in haemodialysis patientsare relevant in view of the high cardiovascular morbidity andmortality in chronic haemodialysis patients. METHODS.: Twelve normotensive patients were studied from the beginningof one dialysis until the end of the next (mean 64 h, SD 19h) using a Spacelabs oscillometric blood-pressure recorder. RESULTS.: A circadian blood pressure rhythm was present in six of the12 patients. In seven patients the lowest pressure recorded(including the dialysis sessions) occurred 5–6 h afterdialysis (late post-dialysis dip). Blood pressure did not increasesharply in the hours before dialysis although it increased slightlyin the interdialytic interval as a whole, at a mean rate of5.6 mmHg per 24 h (SD 4.1, P<0.001). We could not find ablood pressure measurement during dialysis (or combination ofmeasurements) which reliably reflects interdialytic blood pressure:the 95% confidence intervals were 25 mmHg or higher. CONCLUSION.: Ambulatory blood pressure measurements are needed for adequatemonitoring of the control of blood pressure in haemodialysispatients.
Keywords:ambulatory blood pressure   haemodialysis   blood pressure control   hypotension   hypertension
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