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The Role of Maternal Psychological Adjustment in the Measurement of Children's Functional Status
Authors:Dadds, Mark R.   Stein, Ruth E. K.   Silver, Ellen Johnson
Affiliation:Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center Preventive Intervention Research Center for Child Health

3All correspondence should be sent to Ruth E. K. Stein, Preventive Intervention Research Center for Child Health, Department of Pediatrics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Jack & Pearl Resnick Campus, 1300 Morris Park Avenue, NR 7 South 15, Bronx, New York 10461

Abstract:Studied the ways that mothers interpret illness behavior intheir children to assess whether maternal psychological adjustmentpredicts maternal perceptions of children's behavioral limitationsand attribution of these behaviors to chronic illness. Functionalstatus ratings and attributions to illness by 365 mothers of5-to 8-year-old children with chronic illnesses were associatedwith children's overall adjustment but not with mothers' ownpsychological distress. Illness attributions also were relatedto the child's medical visits and hospitalizations. Thus, mother'sillness attributions are related to her perceptions of the child'shealth and more general behavioral adjustment, but not to herown mental health. Results support the validity of the FS II(R)as a measure of functioning related to children's health statusthat is not influenced by maternal psychological adjustment.
Keywords:childhood chronic illness   functional status   child adjustment   maternal mental health.
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