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Erythropoiesis in the Anaemia of Chronic Renal Failure: The Response to CAPD
Authors:Coles, G. A.   Cavill, I.
Affiliation:1Department of Renal Medicine, University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff Royal Infirmary Newport Road, Cardiff, CF2 1SZ, Wales, UK 2Department of Haematology, University of Wales College of Medicine Heath Park, Cardiff, CF4 4XW UK
Fifteen patients with chronic renal failure commencing CAPDtreatment were studied by a sensitive ferrokinetic technique.All were severely anaemic with a low red cell volume (RCV).Plasma volume (PV) was raised in twelve. Mean red cell lifespan(MRCL) was reduced in eleven subjects, and marrow iron turnover(MIT) was inappropriately low but this was not related to erythropoietinlevels. Six patients were restudied after several months CAPD. PV fellin four and RCV increased in all six. MRCL rose to normal inthree. The other three subjects had an increase in MIT. Erythropoietinlevels did not change significantly. The major cause of uraemicanaemia is a failure of erythropoiesis to match fully the demandsof red cell destruction.
Keywords:Chronic renal failure   Erythropoiesis   Ferrokinetics   CAPD
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