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Arsenobetaine is not a major metabolite of arsine gas in the rat
Authors:Jean-Pierre Buchet  Pietro Apostoli  Dominique Lison
Affiliation:(1) Industrial Toxicology and Occupational Medicine Unit, Catholic University of Louvain, Clos Chapelle-aux-Champs, 30.54, B-1200 Bruxelles, Belgium, BE;(2) Cattedra di Medicina del Lavoro dell'Universita di Brescia P.le Spedali Civili, 1, I-25123 Brescia, Italy, IT
Many organisms can easily dispose of toxic inorganic arsenic species through gradual methylation of the element and further urinary excretion. In order to clarify the urinary excretion of arsenobetaine observed in a human case of intoxication by arsine, the capacity of highly methylated arsenical synthesis has been investigated in rats acutely exposed during 1 h to increasing concentrations of the same gas [4 to 80 mg AsH3/m3]. Urinary metabolites of arsenic were determined with good agreement in two (Belgian and Italian) laboratories using two different analytical procedures. The sum of inorganic, mono- and dimethylated metabolites of arsenic in urine was shown to be related to the intensity of exposure to arsine. A biphasic relationship was observed: 1 h exposure to >60 mg AsH3/m3 led to metabolite excretion which is roughly 10 times higher than for exposure levels below that limit, suggesting the saturation of a binding site reserve and the availability for metabolism of a greater proportion of the As absorbed above this threshold. Arsenobetaine production, if any, could only be detected when its presence in food was excluded; in addition, amounts appeared negligible and could be disregarded as a common arsenic metabolite in rats. Received: 26 June 1998 / Accepted: 26 August 1998
Keywords:Arsine gas  Metabolism  Arsenobetaine  Rat
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