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引用本文:陈京水,李业勤. 基于MSP430动态心电存储系统的设计[J]. 中国医学装备, 2010, 7(8): 12-16
作者姓名:陈京水  李业勤
作者单位:1. 济南卫生学校医械学科,山东,济南,250023
2. 日照市中医院,山东,日照,276800
摘    要:目的:解决动态心电图存储容量有限、波形不能实时显示的不便。方法:设计一种基于TI公司超低功耗混合信号处理器MSP430F149的动态心电数据实时存储、传输系统。结果:此系统由MSP430F149单片机、心电数据采集、LCD显示、SD卡存储、USB数据传输等部分组成,它能完成心电数据的实时采集、显示、大容量存储,以及心电数据的USB传输。结论:经临床初步实验,该仪器具有较强的抗干扰能力、性能稳定、功耗低、携带方便,应用前景广阔。

关 键 词:ECG  MSP430  SD卡  液晶

Development of ECG holter based on MSP430
CHEN Jing-shui,LI Ye-qin. Development of ECG holter based on MSP430[J]. China Medical Equipment, 2010, 7(8): 12-16
Authors:CHEN Jing-shui  LI Ye-qin
Affiliation:Jinan Health School of Shandong Province,Jinan,250023,China
Abstract:Based on the microcontroller MSP430F149 made by the TI Company,which is of ultra-low power and mixed signal processing,the ECG system introduced in this thesis has kinds of functions,such as data processing and transmission in real-time,display,storage and communication with PC by USB.The entire design is consists of signal collection module,LCD display module,write/read SD card module and USB data transmission module with the MCU MSP430F149 as the core.This portable system is of simple circuit,small volume,low power,the PQRST of the collected ECG signal with the distinct characteristics and also the capability to resist environmental interference,so it can be widely used.
Keywords:ECG  MSP430
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