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引用本文:陈春林,宋小磊,余艳红,欧阳振波,刘萍,徐玉静,唐雷,王建平,谭欢庆,昌仁民,钟世镇. 在体女性盆腔动脉血管网数字化三维模型构建方法及意义[J]. 中国实用妇科与产科杂志, 2011, 0(4)
作者姓名:陈春林  宋小磊  余艳红  欧阳振波  刘萍  徐玉静  唐雷  王建平  谭欢庆  昌仁民  钟世镇
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(30970762); 广东省自然科学基金(10151051501000102); 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)(2006AA02Z343)
摘    要:
目的探讨构建在体女性盆腔动脉血管网数字化三维模型的方法及意义。方法基于双源CT血管成像(CTA)技术,获取1例子宫腺肌病患者的D icom 3.0原始二维断层图像数据集。利用M im ics10.01软件分别对骨盆、盆腔动脉血管网进行三维重建并配准融合。结果构建的在体女性盆腔动脉血管网数字化三维模型可以清楚地显示髂总动脉、髂外动脉、髂内动脉及其多级分支,甚至子宫动脉上行支等。与重建的骨盆配准融合后,各支动脉血管的解剖走行及供血范围变得更加清晰明确。结论基于CTA数据集,应用适当的计算机软件可构建出理想的在体女性盆腔动脉血管网数字化三维模型,为术前手术模拟真人化以及数字模型物理化提供了平台。

关 键 词:CT血管成像  女性盆腔  动脉血管网  数字化  模型  

The significance of the construction of digital three-dimensional model in vivo for female pelvic arterial network based on CTA
CHEN Chun-lin,SONG Xiao-lei,YU Yan-hong,OUYANG Zhen-bo,LIU Ping,XU Yu-jing,TANG Lei,WANG Jian-ping,TAN Huan-qing,CHANG Ren-min,ZHONG Shi-zhen. The significance of the construction of digital three-dimensional model in vivo for female pelvic arterial network based on CTA[J]. Chinese Journal of Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics, 2011, 0(4)
Authors:CHEN Chun-lin  SONG Xiao-lei  YU Yan-hong  OUYANG Zhen-bo  LIU Ping  XU Yu-jing  TANG Lei  WANG Jian-ping  TAN Huan-qing  CHANG Ren-min  ZHONG Shi-zhen
Affiliation:CHEN Chun-lin,SONG Xiao-lei,YU Yan-hong,OUYANG Zhen-bo,LIU Ping,XU Yu-jing,TANG Lei,WANG Jian-ping,TAN Huan-qing,CHANG Ren-min,ZHONG Shi-zhen. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,Nanfang Hospital of Southern Medical University,Guangzhou 510515,China
Objective To explore the significance of the construction of digital three-dimensional model in vivo for female pelvic arterial network based on computed tomographic angiography(CTA).Methods A series of Dicom 3.0 images were obtained from a woman with adenomyosis by dual source CTA.Then the Mimics10.01 was used to construct the pelvic and the arterial network.Results The digital model clearly shows the pelvic arterial network,including the common iliac artery,external iliac artery,internal iliac artery and ...
Keywords:CTA  female pelvis  artery network  digitalisation  model  
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