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引用本文:徐惠绵 Sha.,AKM. 大肠癌,癌前病变组织及直肠粘液中T抗原的分布与表达[J]. 中国医科大学学报, 1993, 22(5): 326-329
作者姓名:徐惠绵 Sha.  AKM
作者单位:中国医科大学附属第一医院肿瘤科(徐惠绵),美国马里兰大学病理系(Shamsuddin AKM)
摘    要:
血型前体物质T抗原(β-D-Grl(1→3)-D-Gal NAc)具有与花生凝集素(PNA)结合或被半乳糖氧化酶(GO)氧化的特性。作者采用GO酶组化和PNA免疫组化方法探讨T抗原在正常大肠粘膜、癌前病变和癌组织的表达,同时随机对25例T抗原粘液试验与组化结果比较。大肠癌与GO和PNA的T抗原表达分别是81.4%(57/70)、87%(61/70);癌前病变均为83.3%(10/12);移行粘膜50%(10/20),60%(12/20),而正常粘膜未见表达(0/12)。GO-S粘液试验阳性率80%(20/25);GO-S组化76%(19/25);PNA组化88%(22/25)。结果表明,GO或PNA对检测大肠癌或癌前病变组织中T抗原无显著差异,尤其是GO-S组织化学与粘液试验其结果几乎一致,提示这种试验方法可用于大肠癌普查或早期筛检。

关 键 词:大肠癌  癌前病变  半乳糖氧化酶  花生凝集素  粘液试验

Expression and Distribution of The T Antigen in Tissue and Rectal Mucin of Colorectal Cancer and Precancer
Xu Huimian,et al. Expression and Distribution of The T Antigen in Tissue and Rectal Mucin of Colorectal Cancer and Precancer[J]. Journal of China Medical University, 1993, 22(5): 326-329
Authors:Xu Huimian  et al
We have studied the marker Trantigen on tissue section by galactose oxidase (GO)-schiff sequence in normal, preneoplastic and neoplastic colorectal mucosa and compared with peanut Agglutinin (PNA) reactivity. Comparison of tissue GO and GO-s muein test was also made in 25 cases of colorectal cancer and precancerous lesions. The T-Ag expression with GO and PNA was showed 81.4%(50/70), 87% (61/70) respectively in adenocarcinoma; 83.3%(10/12) in precancerous lesions with both GO and PNA; 50%(10/20), 60%(12/20) in transitional mucosa but not in the normal mncosa. In addition, 80%(20/25) were positive with GO mucin test, 76%(19/25) positive with tissue GO. The result showed no significant difference between tissue GO and PNA for detecting T-Ag,especially, a near total agreement result in tissue GO and GO-s mucin test suggest that, like PNA, the GO-schiff sequence has potential to identify the tumor marker T-Ag either at tissue level or by mucin test for screening colorectal cancer.
Keywords:colorectal cancer  precancerous lesions  galactose oxiclase  peanut agglutinin  GO-s mucin test
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