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Validity and interobserver agreement of a new radiographic grading system for intervertebral disc degeneration: Part I. Lumbar spine
Authors:Hans-Joachim Wilke  Friederike Rohlmann  Cornelia Neidlinger-Wilke  Karin Werner  Lutz Claes  Annette Kettler
Affiliation:(1) Institute for Orthopaedic Research and Biomechanics, University of Ulm, Helmholtzstrasse 14, 89081 Ulm, Germany
Many different radiographic grading systems for disc degeneration are described in literature. However, only a few of them are tested for interobserver agreement and none for validity. Furthermore, most of them are based on a subjective terminology. The aim of this study, therefore, is to combine these systems to a new one in which all subjective terms are replaced by more objective ones and to test this new system for validity and interobserver agreement. Since lumbar and cervical discs need to be graded differently, this study was divided into the present Part I for the lumbar and a Part II for the cervical spine. The new radiographic grading system covers the three variables ldquoHeight Lossrdquo, ldquoOsteophyte Formationrdquo and ldquoDiffuse Sclerosisrdquo. On lateral and postero-anterior radiographs, each of these three variables first has to be graded individually. Then, the ldquoOverall Degree of Degenerationrdquo is assigned on a four-point scale from 0 (no degeneration) to 3 (severe degeneration). For validation, the radiographic degrees of degeneration of 44 lumbar discs were compared to the respective macroscopic ones, which were defined as ldquorealrdquo degrees of degeneration. The agreement between observers with different levels of experience was determined using the radiographs of 84 lumbar discs. Agreement was quantified using quadratic weighted Kappa coefficients (Kappa) with 95% confidence limits (95% CL). The validation of the new radiographic grading system revealed a substantial agreement between the radiographic and the ldquorealrdquo macroscopic overall degree of degeneration (Kappa=0.714, 95% CL: 0.587–0.841). The radiographic grades, however, tended to be slightly lower than the ldquorealrdquo ones. The interobserver agreement was substantial for all the three variables and for the overall degree of degeneration (Kappa=0.787, 95% CL: 0.702–0.872). However, the inexperienced observer tended to assign slightly lower degrees of degeneration than the experienced one. In conclusion, we believe that the new radiographic grading system is an almost objective, valid and reliable tool to quantify the degree of degeneration of individual lumbar intervertebral discs. However, the user should always remember that the ldquorealrdquo degree of degeneration tends to be underestimated and that slight differences between the ratings of observers with different levels of experience have to be expected.An erratum to this article can be found at
Keywords:Classification  Degeneration  Lumbar intervertebral disc  Reliability  Validity
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