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摘    要:目的 调查氟病区自来水的入户情况及其影响因素.方法 于2006年5月,在江苏省东海县东丁旺村和新庄村随机抽取200户家庭进行问卷调查,用Dean's法对被调查家庭的所有成员进行氟斑牙诊断.并对自来水入户的影响因素进行多因素非条件Logistic回归分析.结果 两村自来水入户率间比较(东丁旺村:59.5%;新庄村:64.9%),差异无统计学意义(P=0.454).Logistic回归分析结果显示,家庭住址在村中的相对位置是危险因素,家庭人口数、家庭经济条件、户主对自来水常识的知晓情况是保护性因素.结论 在该调查地区应着力解决主要影响因素,大力提高自来水入户率.

关 键 词:氟中毒  自来水  影响因素  Logistic回归

Influencing Factors on Popularization of Tap Water in Endemic Fluorosis Areas
Abstract:Objective To know the influencing factors for the popularization of tap water in endemic fluorosis areas. Methods The families were randomly selected from Dongdingwang and Xinzhuang in Donghai county, Jiangsu province and were investigated with questionnaire and all members from these families were diagnosed for dental fluorosis with Dean s method on May 2006. The influencing factors were analyzed with multifactor non-conditional Logistic regression. Results There was no significant difference on the popularization of tap water between the 2 villages (P=0.454). The relative location of the home in village was the risk factor. The size and the economic condition of the families and the householder s knowledge on the tap water were protective factors. Conclusion The popularization of tap water should be extremely improved based on the improvement of the main influencing factors.
Keywords:Fluorosis  Tap water  Influence factor  Logistic regression
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