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CDKN2A mutations and melanoma risk in the Icelandic population
Authors:Goldstein A M  Stacey S N  Olafsson J H  Jonsson G F  Helgason A  Sulem P  Sigurgeirsson B  Benediktsdottir K R  Thorisdottir K  Ragnarsson R  Kjartansson J  Kostic J  Masson G  Kristjansson K  Gulcher J R  Kong A  Thorsteinsdottir U  Rafnar T  Tucker M A  Stefansson K
Affiliation:Genetic Epidemiology Branch, Division of Cancer Epidemiologyand Genetics/NCI/NIH/DHHS, Executive Plaza South, Room 7004, 6120 Executive Blvd MSC 7236, Bethesda, MD 20892-7236, USA. goldstea@exchange.nih.gov
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