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引用本文:刘丽,陈丹,吴皖,鲁艳. 1813例腹泻患儿轮状病毒检测结果分析[J]. 中华全科医学, 2012, 0(3): 458-459
作者姓名:刘丽  陈丹  吴皖  鲁艳
摘    要:目的了解孝感市中心医院1个月~5岁之间腹泻患儿轮状病毒(RV)的感染情况。方法采集腹泻患儿的新鲜粪便标本,采用A群轮状病毒诊断试剂盒,对该院2008~2010年住院部儿科及感染腹泻患儿的粪便标本进行A群轮状病毒的检测。结果在1813例腹泻的患儿粪便中检查536例RV阳性标本,阳性率为29.6%;其中秋季779例,检出RV阳性标本320例,占41.2%;冬季544例,检出RV阳性标本174例,占32%;年龄段在0~0.5岁婴幼儿感染率达到26.2%;0.5~2岁婴幼儿感染率为46.7%,随着年龄增大,轮状病毒感染率随之降低。结论 RV感染是导致婴幼儿腹泻的主要原因之一,以6个月~2岁组为A群轮状病毒的高发年龄组,每年秋冬季为感染高发期。从粪便中检测RV抗原,对婴幼儿感染性与病毒性腹泻的早期快速鉴别诊断提供了可靠依据。

关 键 词:轮状病毒  腹泻  胶体金法

Analysis on Results of Rotavirus Detection in 1813 Cases of Infants with Diarrhea
Affiliation:LIU Li,CHEN Dan,WU Wan,et al.Department of Clinical Laboratory,Xiaogan Central Hospital,Xiaogan 432000,Hubei,China
Abstract:Objective To understand the infection rate of rotavirus diarrhea(HRV) with 1 month to 5 years old infants in a hospital.Methods Fresh stool samples from infants with diarrhea from 2008 to 2010 were detected by cluster A rotavirus diagnostic kits.Results Among 1813 detected stool samples,536(29.6%) cases were positive RV antigen,in which 320/779(41.2%) cases were positive RV antigen in fall and 174/544(32.0)% were positive RV antigen in winter;infant infection rate in the 0-0.5 years of age reached 26.2%,0.5-2 years old 46.7%,increases with age,rotavirus infection rate decreases.Conclusion HRV infection is the main cause of infant diarrhea,6 months-2 years of age group was the high incidence of cluster A rotavirus group,and autumn and winter were the season of the high incidence of infection.Detection of stool samples from infants with diarrhea by HRV antigen could be provided on early and rapid differential diagnosis of infant diarrhea.
Keywords:Rotavirus  Diarrhea  Colloidal gold
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