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Questioning the efficacy of Fallopian tube sperm perfusion
Authors:El Sadek, MM   Amer, MK   Abdel-Malak, G
Affiliation:Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cairo University, Egypt.
The aim of this work was to compare the efficiency of standard intrauterineinsemination (IUI) and Fallopian tube sperm perfusion (FSP) in thetreatment of infertility. Ninety-six consecutive patients with infertilityin 100 cycles were included in the study. Those randomized to standard IUIincluded 48 patients in 50 cycles [25 clomiphene citrate only and 25clomiphene citrate/human menopausal gonadotrophin (HMG) cycles] (group I).Patients subjected to FSP included 48 patients in 50 cycles (18 clomiphenecitrate only and 32 clomiphene citrate/HMG cycles) (group II). The overallpregnancy rate per cycle (16% versus 18%) was not significantly differentin the two groups. The pregnancy rates were also similar in the two groupswhen compared for the cause of infertility: ovulatory disorder 16.7% versus16%, tubal impairment 10% versus 9.1%, cervical hostility (no pregnancyoccurred in this group) and unexplained infertility 21.4 % versus 25 %. Theoverall pregnancy rate (for the two groups) appeared higher when clomiphenecitrate/HMG was used for ovulation induction (21.1%) than when clomiphenecitrate only was used (11.6%).
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