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Authors:HUG, C. C., JR   HALL, R. I.   ANGERT, K. C.   REEDER, D. A.   MOLDENHAUER, C. C.
Affiliation:Cardiothoracic Anesthesia Division, Department of Anesthesiology, Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta, Ga. 30322, U.S.A.
Effects of alfentanil, preceded by lorazepam, on suppressionof haemodynamic and somatic responses to noxious stimuli wasstudied in patients undergoing CABG. Plasma concentration ofalfentanil, somatic and haemodynamic responses were measuredat loss of consciousness, tracheal intubation, sternotomy andduring multiple applications of electrocoagulation. Additionalalfentanil was administered i.v. to control unwanted responses.Study 1 (six patients): lorazepam 0.08 mg kg–1 by mouth1–2 h before operation, alfentanil priming infusion (60µg kg–1 min–1 for 10 min) followed by maintenanceinfusion (4.5 µg kg–1 min–1). With mean plasmaalfentanil 1178 (SEM 54) ng ml–1, two patients requiredsupplementary alfentanil to suppress somatic motor responses;one patient required nitroglycerin to control an increase inarterial pressure which was unresponsive to additional alfentanilfollowing sternotomy. Study 2 (13 patients): lorazepam 0.04mg kg–1 by mouth as premedication; one of three maintenanceinfusion rates of alfentanil: 5.4 (n=4), 6.6 (n=5), or 7.8 (n=4)µg kg–1 min–1, each preceded by a proportionalpriming infusion. With plasma alfentanil 2181 (62)ng ml–1,somatic motor responses requiring additional alfentanil occurredin nine patients; haemodynamic responses in four of seven patientstested could not be controlled by alfentanil. The highest plasmaconcentration of alfentanil to prevent response to a stimulusother than tracheal intubation was different between the twostudies (P<0.05). We conclude that alfentanil alone is insufficientto suppress haemodynamic and somatic motor responses to noxiousstimulation during CABG and that the role of premedication issignificant. *Department of Anesthesia, Bowman-Gray School of Medicine Winston-Salem,NC 27103, U.S.A.{dagger}2114 de Mayo Road, Del Mar, Ca. 92014, U.S.A.
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