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Sensation Seeking, Trait and State Anxiety, and the Electrodermal Orienting Response
Authors:Richard S.  Neary Marvin  Zuckerman
Affiliation:Department of Psychology. University of Delaware
The relationship between sensation seeking and the orienting reflex (OR) using skin conductance change is investigated in two experiments. In Experiment I, high sensation seekers gave a greater initial OR In novel visual stimuli while not differing in habituation on subsequent trials. In Experiment II. the paradigm was extended to include auditory as well as visual stimuli. Again, high sensation seekers were found to be more arousable with respect to initial ORs while not differing in habituation rates. The results suggest that sensation seekers may be characterized as having strong excitatory CNS processes. In Experiment II, anxiety (trait and state) was also related to the OR. There were no effects due to trait anxiety but state anxiety did yield significant differences. The more highly anxious (state) subjects had weaker initial ORs than lows in both novel tones, but not to repeated tones. The findings with state anxiety are consistent with findings by others using anxiety neurotics as subjects.
Keywords:Orienting reflex    Skin conductance    Skin conductance changes    Habituation    Sensation seeking    Trait anxiety    State anxiety
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