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引用本文:尚志钧. 金陵版《本草纲目》引《日华子本草》误注例[J]. Zhonghua yi shi za zhi (Beijing, China : 1980), 1997, 0(1)
摘    要:《本草纲目》是以《政和本草》为蓝本编撰的,所引《日华子本草》资料均来源于《政和本草》。用《大观》、《政和》同《纲目》核对,发现《纲目》所引《日华子本草》很多资料出处均与《大观》、《政和》不相同。表现为《纲目》误注“日华子”文为其他文;《纲目》误注其他文为“日华子”文;《纲目》引“日华子”文脱漏标记;《纲目》所引“日华子”文不见于《证类本草》。这是由于当时李时珍所参考《政和本草》版本不同所致,或因抄录或因刻版所误。这些讹误容易以讹传讹,造成文献上的混乱。

关 键 词:本草纲目,日华子本草,政和本草,文献研究

Examples of Mistaken Annotation in Jinling Edition of Ben Cao Gan Mu from Ri Hua Zhi Ben Cao
Shang Zhijun. Yiji Mountain hospital,Wuhu,Anhui,Wuhu. Examples of Mistaken Annotation in Jinling Edition of Ben Cao Gan Mu from Ri Hua Zhi Ben Cao[J]. Zhonghua yi shi za zhi (Beijing, China : 1980), 1997, 0(1)
Authors:Shang Zhijun. Yiji Mountain hospital  Wuhu  Anhui  Wuhu
Affiliation:Shang Zhijun. Yiji Mountain hospital,Wuhu,Anhui,Wuhu 241001
Abstract:The background works of Ben Cao Gan Mu (BCGM) was Zheng He Ben Cao (ZHBC) from which all quotations of Ri Hua Zi Ben Cao (RHZBC) were derived. By comparing BCGM with Da Guan Ben Cao (DGBC) and ZHBC, it was found that quotation of RHZBC in BCGM were not identical with DGBC and ZHBC. Example including literary of RHZBC were explained as from other works, other done RHZBC, literary of BCGM quoted from RHZBC were short of marks. Conversely, some quotations from other Bencao were credited to RHZBC. Moreover, some of the notes for quotations from RHZBC were missing, whereas some quotations treated as from RHZBC were not found in ZLBC. These mistakes were due to different editions of ZHBC which Li Shizhen consulted then. Some are mistaked due to copying and printing. The mistake spread and caused confusions in the literary.
Keywords:Ben Cao Gan Mu   Re Hua Zi Ben Cao   Zhen He Ben Cao   Research on literary  
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