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A Case of Invasive Aspergillosis Presenting as Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma
Authors:Seong-Jae Kim  Che-Ron Kim  Gyu-Nam Kim  Yong-Seop Han  In-Young Chung  Seong-Wook Seo  Jong-Moon Park  Ji-Myong Yoo
Affiliation:aDepartment of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine;bGyeongsang Institute of Health Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Korea
Purpose: To report a case of invasive aspergillosis presenting as acute angle closure glaucoma.Case: A 72-year-old male patient visited our clinic with decreased visual acuity and ocular pain on the right eye lasting for 3 d. His intraocular pressure was 42 mmHg in the right eye and 18 mmHg in the left eye. And, there was about 2 mm of exophthalmos, slight ptosis with decreased motility in all directions, conjunctival injection, moderate mydriasis with a relative afferent pupillary defect, and angle closure in the right eye. Orbital computed tomography and magenetic resonance imaging showed isotense mass involving right orbit and ethmoid sinus. Based on the biopsy, invasive aspergillosis was definitely diagnosed. Despite perfoming peripheral laser iridotomy and administrating antifungal agent and antiglaucoma medication, the patient was blinded in his right eye. During the follow-up period, visual acuity in the left eye suddenly decreased due to the invasive aspergillosis in the left paranasal sinus and optic nerve, and eventually the patient lost his left vision as well.Conclusion: This report is regarding a case of an invasive aspergillosis resulting in blindness in both eyes with the clinical manifestations of acute angle closure caused by invasive aspergillosis.
Keywords:Acute angle closure glaucoma  invasive aspergillosis  orbital cellulitis
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