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Intracellular Ca2+ signals in human-derived pancreatic somatostatin-secreting cells (QGP-1N)
Authors:Paul E. Squires  Brigitte Amiranoff  Mark J. Dunne
Affiliation:(1) Cell Biology Research Group, Department of Biomedical Science, University of Sheffield, S10 2TN Western Bank, Sheffield, UK;(2) U239 INSERM, Universite Paris VII, Paris, France
Abstract:Single-cell microfluorimetry techniques have been used to examine the effects of acetylcholine (0.1–100 mgrM) on the intracellular free calcium ion concentration ([Ca2+]i) in a human-derived pancreatic somatostatin-secreting cell line, QGP-1N. When applied to the bath solution, acetylcholine was found to evoke a marked and rapid increase in [Ca2+]i at all concentrations tested. These responses were either sustained, or associated with the generation of complex patterns of [Ca2+]i transients. Overall, the pattern of response was concentration related. In general, 0.1–10 mgrM acetylcholine initiated a series of repetitive oscillations in cytoplasmic Ca2+, whilst at higher concentrations the responses consisted of a rapid rise in [Ca2+]i followed by a smaller more sustained increase. Without external Ca2+, 100 mgrM acetylcholine caused only a transient rise in [Ca2+]i, whereas lower concentrations of the agonist were able to initiate, but not maintain, [Ca2+]i oscillations. Acetylcholine-evoked Ca2+ signals were abolished by atropine (1–10 mgrM), verapamil (100 mgrM) and caffeine (20 mM). Nifedipine failed to have any significant effect upon agonist-evoked increases in [Ca2+]i, whilst 50 mM KCl, used to depolarise the cell membrane, only elicited a transient increase in [Ca2+]i. Ryanodine (50–500 nM) and caffeine (1–20 mM) did not increase basal Ca2+ levels, but the Ca2+-ATPase inhibitors 2,5-di(tert-butyl)-hydroquinone (TBQ) and thapsigargin both elevated [Ca2+]i levels. These data demonstrate for the first time cytosolic Ca2+ signals in single isolated somatostatin-secreting cells of the pancreas. We have demonstrated that acetylcholine will evoke both Ca2+ influx and Ca2+ mobilisation, and we have partially addressed the subcellular mechanism responsible for these events.
Keywords:Somatostatin  Intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis  Somatostatin-secreting cell  Fura-2  Microfluorimetry  [Ca2+]i  QGP-1N cells  Acetylcholine  Thapsigargin  Caffeine  Ryanodine  Islets of Langerhans
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