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High affinity neurotrophin receptors in the human pre-term newborn, infant, and adult cerebellum
Authors:Marina Quartu   Maria Pina Serra   Annalisa Manca   Paolo Follesa   Rossano Ambu  Marina Del Fiacco  
Affiliation:Department of Cytomorphology, University of Cagliari, Cittadella Universitaria di Monserrato, 09042 Monserrato, Italy.
Abstract:The immunohistochemical occurrence of the high affinity neurotrophin (NT) receptors trkA, trkB, and trkC is shown in the pre-term newborn, infant, and adult human post-mortem cerebellum. Immunoreactive neuronal perikarya and processes were observed in all specimens examined, where they appeared unevenly distributed in the cerebellar cortical layers and deep nuclei, and showed regional differences among cerebellar lobules and folia. The trk receptor-antibodies, tested by Western blot on human cerebellum homogenates, revealed multiple immunoreactive bands for trkA and single bands for trkB and trkC. The results obtained show the tissue localization of the trk receptor-like immunoreactivity in the human cerebellum from prenatal to adult age. The analysis for codistribution of the receptors with the relevant ligand and among the receptors in discrete cortical and deep nuclei tissue fields shows a wide variety of conditions, from a good similarity in terms of type and density of labeled structures, to a lack of correspondence, and suggests the possibility of colocalization of trk receptors with the relevant neurotrophin and among them in the cerebellar cortex. These results sustain the concept that the neurotrophin trophic system participates in the development, differentiation, and maintenance of the human cerebellar connectivity and support the possibility of a multifactorial trophic support for the neurotrophins through target-derived and local mechanisms.
Keywords:trkA, trkB, and trkC receptors   Neurotrophins   Newborn, infant, and adult cerebellum   Man   Immunohistochemistry   Western blot
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