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引用本文:林剑. 安眠汤加味辨证治疗失眠体会[J]. 中医临床研究, 2014, 0(4): 106-107
摘    要:目的:介绍安眠汤加味辨证治疗失眠经验。方法:通过对失眠中西的认识和治疗方法的分析,并结合笔者临床治疗失眠的病例总结失眠治疗经验。结果:安眠汤加味辨证治疗失眠效果好,不易反复。结论:安眠汤加味辨证治疗失眠值得推广。

关 键 词:安眠汤加味治疗  辨证论治  失眠

Experience for treating insomnia with the Anmian decoction
Abstract:Objective:To introduce experience on treating insomnia with the modified Anmian decoction. Methods:Through the analysis of the knowledge and methods of insomnia treatment in the integrative medicine, and summary treatment experience of author. Results: Anmian decoction is effective on treating insomnia, not easy to repeat. Conclusion: Anmian decoction dialectical treatment on treating insomnia is worthy to be popularized.
Keywords:Modified Anmian decoction treatment  Dialectical treatment  Insomnia
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