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Review of intravesical therapies for bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis
Authors:Kristina Cvach  Anna Rosamilia
Affiliation:1.Mercy Hospital for Women, Melbourne, Australia; 2.Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne, Australia
Abstract:Bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis (BPS/IC) is a chronic pain condition characterised by urinary frequency, urgency and pain or discomfort which the patient attributes to the bladder. It is a complex condition to manage and treat and requires a multi-disciplinary and multi-modal approach. As well as lifestyle and behavioural modifications, physical therapy and oral medications, intravesical treatments can be used in the treatment algorithm for BPS/IC. A number of intravesical agents are reviewed in this paper along with the available evidence for their use.
Keywords:Bladder pain syndrome (BPS)   interstitial cystitis (IC)   intravesical therapy   instillation therapy
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