2007年山东省部分城市女性多性伴者行为监测结果分析 |
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引用本文: | 廖玫珍,刘学真,傅继华,钱跃升,王同展,黄涛,张晓菲. 2007年山东省部分城市女性多性伴者行为监测结果分析[J]. 预防医学文献信息, 2009, 0(6): 534-536 |
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作者姓名: | 廖玫珍 刘学真 傅继华 钱跃升 王同展 黄涛 张晓菲 |
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作者单位: | 山东省疾病预防控制中心,山东济南250014 |
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摘 要: | [目的]了解山东省女性多性伴者行为特征及性病艾滋病感染状况,为实施有效的干预措施和防治对策提供信息和依据。[方法]2007年7~9月对娱乐场所的女性多性伴者进行匿名问卷调查和血标本收集。[结果]共调查女性多性伴者1197人,年龄15~45岁,以低年龄组(≤24岁)、未婚、初中及以下文化程度为主,对艾滋病3种传播途径全部回答正确者占76.9%,最近1个月商业性行为每次都使用安全套者639例,占53.6%;与固定性伴最近一个月性行为每次都使用安全套的比例低,仅为17.6%;45.6%的调查对象出现过性病症状,29.8%的人自愿做过艾滋病病毒检测。[结论]山东省女性多性伴人群艾滋病阳性率目前总体仍处于较低水平,但高危行为广泛存在,需要实施综合干预,加大对该类人群的健康教育。
关 键 词: | 监测 女性多性伴人群 HIV/AIDS |
Analysis of Behavior Surveillance Data on Commercial Sex Workers in Shandong Province in 2007 |
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Affiliation: | LIAO Mei-zhen, LIU Xue-zhen , FU Ji-hua , et al. ( Shandong Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Ji'nan 250014, Shandong, China) |
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Abstract: | [Objective]To understand the behavior characteristics of commercial sex workers and their status STD/HIV infection in Shandong Province and provide effective information for intervention and prevention. [Methods]Anonymous questionnaire with blood tests was done among commercial sex workers in entertainment establishments from July to September in 2007. [Results]1197 cases with age of 15-45 years were investigated and the majority of those was young people (24 and below), single and low education, the rate of knowledge about the 3 transmission routes of HIV/AIDS was 76.9 %, 639 cases used condom with client each time in the last month, the rate was 53.6 % and the condom use rate with fixed sexual partner in last one month was 17. 6% ,45.6% of commercial sex workers had any STI related symptoms in past 12 months and 29.8% of those went for HIV tests voluntarily. [Conclusion]The prevalence rate of HIV infection is low among commercial sex workers in Shandong province,but the HIV-related risk behaviors is existing abroad, So comprehensive intervention and education should be strengthened for HIV/AIDS control and prevention among commercial sex workers. |
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Keywords: | Surveillance Commercial sex workers HIV/AIDS |
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